Website Manager

Green Soccer Association

Coaching Musts


CLICK HERE:  GSA's Coaching Guidelines and Policies

CLICK HERE:  GSA Styles of Play/Coaching Points 

CLICK HERE: Soccer Training Sessions and Education

Can be emailed to Registrar - [email protected]

Concussion Notification Forms
Click Here

Symptoms & Coach Actions for Cardiac Arrest, Heat Stoke, & Concussion

Reporting Suspected Child Abuse   CLICK HERE

Directions on how to use to use subs legally: 
Coaches need to contact Vicki for others teams game report? [email protected]
    • SUBS/ Guest Player: 
    • there is the matter of the guest player and how to show them on the roster since their player pass may cause a referee to question whether the player should be allowed to participate.  The solution to this, which came out of the league meeting on the 18th and provided by a club, is to attach a copy of the game report for the team the guest player is coming from.  Simply cross out all of the other players leaving only the player(s) to be used.

Cardiac Arrest Info Sheet For Coaches- Lindsey's Law

Want to be a ref for Travel Games?