Begins Fall 2024
Additional Training each week with a senior lead coach (1.5 hours)
Play for your Travel Club is highly encouraged
May include players from outside of GSA.
Outdoor: Springhill, PLCC, GHS Grass, GHS Turf, Lodi (games)
Indoor: 1 extra game/training a week (1 Futsal, 1 Soccer)
Fall/Winter/Early Spring friendlies vs surrounding club teams (opportunities)
Top level tournament opportunities (State Cup, Columbus, Erie, Great Lakes, Cleveland Indoor Classic) EXTRA COST
Up to 1-2 per season (Fall/Spring) and 1 per season (Winter)
Top 10-11 girls 7v7, top 12-13 girls 9v9 (must commit to Fall/Spring)
Capped Roster spots
EXTRA PLAYER UNIFORM KIT $70.00 (Game Shirt, Shorts and Socks) AND $40.00 (two training shirts) - THIS SHOULD BE A ONE TIME COST MAYBE TWICE BASED ON GROWTH OF CHILD
Optional: Indoor CASA League $225-$235 Indoor Cost (plus cost of training facility). OR Futsal option (1 training/ league play) Uniform upgrade, Warm-ups, Bag (Sponsorships), Different Crest
Green Soccer Association CLICK ON TAB ABOVE THAT SAYS, CONTACT US / Mailing Address: Green Soccer Association / PO Box 484 / Green OH 44232